Wednesday, October 28, 2009

18 month stats

Weight: 22lb 11oz (25%)

Height: 32 inches (75%)

Head circumference: 19 inches (90%)

Audrey had her 18 month check up this morning. The doctor assured me that her head has always been around 75% but jumped a bit this time around, she believes due to mismeasurement. (her pigtails got in the way :) Someone mentioned recently that she looked short so I was expected her height to measure on the shrimpy side. Nope, still staying where she's always been, in the 75%.

The doctor was impressed with her verbal skills, it didn't hurt that when she came into the room Audrey said, "doctor!" She doesn't go back in until April for her 2 YEAR CHECKUP! That just can't be right! That's way far away. No wait, it's only 6 months :(

I'm enjoying every minute I have with my girl, what a sweet season I am in!

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