Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Valentine's

Lots of treats were in store for us this Valentine's Day (and weekend) Just a few of our highlights; a package from Nanny, (my mom) heart muffins for breakfast, a "new" toddler bed for Audrey, and last but definitely not least, Steve got me a brand new table and bench that I've had my eye on for a long time!!
We started potty training Audrey 2 weeks ago (I'll try to do a post on that soon) and on that very first day I thought "Why stop there? Let's go all the way and get her a big girl bed!" And so we did. I searched 3 beds on Craig's List and the one we decided to look into belonged to some friends from church! Small world. Anyway, she LOVES it! She has fallen out once while sleeping but recovered quickly after being rescued from Mom and went back to bed. We're working on her staying in the bed until we get her out in the morning. Yesterday, I woke up to her trying to get in our room. Like I said, we're working on it :) But all in all, it's been a pretty smooth transition. And we thought we'd take it even one step more and removed her tray from her high chair. She now eats in her old high chair but has a placemat (thanks Auntie!) that she eats on. Now she can sit at the table with us! And that brings us to my new table. It's beautiful. It fits so much better than the round one did and it seats two extra people. I love the idea of having a bench! So cozy and family-y. And room for more little ones :) We have our old dining room table listed on Craig's List HERE and are keeping the chairs we had. Hope you all had a nice, love-filled Valentine's as well!

Valentine card from Nanny (old table in the background)

Pretty new dress from Nanny

Mama made me a heart muffin! I love muffins!

Steve had barely gotten it in the doorway of her room and she was so excited to lie down in it with all her friends

Big girl room

Smiling ear to ear about her new bed.

Look, no tray!

Isn't she lovely?!

Right at home

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Popcorn, the kind without butter

We were troopers. Well, mainly Steve. We got goggled and masked and took on the daunting task of scraping the popcorn off of our bathroom ceiling. WE WILL NOT EVER ATTEMPT IT AGAIN. I am comfortable in saying it was one of the worst ideas we've ever had. Steve did most of the scraping. We had heard that the popcorn needs to be moist to scrape. What we didn't realize was we needed a certain type of sprayer and instead used a water bottle sprayer. The scraper was digging into the ceiling and taking some of the dry wall off so Steve continued by just scraping the dry popcorn. And boy, did it make a hideous mess!! But he powered through and got in done in less than an hour.
We had planned on sanding the ceiling down and painting it, the very same afternoon. But since there were parts of dry wall that were ripped (and a huge clean up project ahead of us) we are planning on putting up white bead board sometime in the near future. After pictures to come!

Preproject: My face is a foreshadowing of what was to come

We had some pealing popcorn above the shower where is gets moist.

Steve got started there.

And the powder begins to fly


Disappointed face.

Let the cleanup begin.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy LOVE Day!

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching!! I ran across this today and thought it was cute so I'm going to share it! Click here for a fun, creative thing to do for your kids!