Friday, March 13, 2009


We've been BUSY lately! Spring has prompted us to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather! Last week, Audrey and I went to the park with some fellow mommies and friends. I didn't bother to put sunscreen on her and she got her little face and nose burned from being in the swing for 10 minutes! The poor little thing actually peeled a little a day or so later. I learned my lesson on that one! She's got super fair skin!
Then this week, a guy came by to fix both of our cars. Steve took the day off, thinking it would be a whole day ordeal. Steve wanted to learn more about cars so he actually showed Steve how to change the brake pads on his car so he'll be able to do it himself next time. And we were told by two different people that I needed new wheel barrings but it ended up I just needed some steering fluid!!! Funny BUT AWESOME! It would have been close to $200 and ended up being only $30! He did an oil change and some other minor stuff as well. If anyone needs their car fixed, this guy really did a great job and he was super nice. We have his business card if you're interested! And did I mention, he'll fix it AT YOUR HOUSE!? Pretty cool. So anyway, he got done in two hours and Steve had thought he'd need the whole day so we had from noon on to do what we wanted! So what else would we do but GO TO IKEA!!! And boy did we have a blast! We had a quick lunch on a white leather sofa which was pretty poshlike :) and we got some cute pictures of Audrey sitting on a cow stool. She also got a taste of frozen yogurt for the first time! She wasn't disappointed :)
We also cleaned the deck off the other day and swept all the leaves off so Audrey could crawl around. It's like a whole new added space where I know we'll be spending lots of time this summer! Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day. Audrey Lane would like to play....


Alissa said...

you guys are so cute. i wanna hug you all in person! :)

Anonymous said...

is that caleb!? he has made it to your blog! woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, she has grown so much in such a short amount of time since I saw her last! I can't believe how grown up she looks! Wow!!! gramma sandi xoxo

Katie said...

I don't know if you remember me or not. I came to FIRE in 2004-2005 when at UNCC and was friends with Emily Jakubison and Kathy Kania. I would very much like the name and number for the guy who fixed your cars. We are having some car troubles and were told it would be over $1000 to fix our one car but we have our doubts about that. If you could please email it to me at I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks so much!

Jeanie said...

Those are some super cute pictures! We've been loving this spring weather too. We'll have to meet up at the park sometime soon!